Physical Review E – June 1995
Volume 51, Issue 6


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Traveling-wave fragments in anisotropic excitable media
F. Mertens, N. Gottschalk, M. Bär, M. Eiswirth, A. Mikhailov, and R. Imbihl
pp. R5193-R5196 [View Page Images or PDF (948 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Some inertial range correlators in fully developed turbulence
Alexander Praskovsky and Steven Oncley
pp. R5197-R5199 [View Page Images or PDF (510 kB)]
Chemically driven convection can stabilize Turing patterns
Martin Diewald and Helmut R. Brand
pp. R5200-R5203 [View Page Images or PDF (720 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Anchoring strength of a lyotropic nematic liquid crystal
A. M. Ribas, L. R. Evangelista, A. J. Palangana, and E. A. Oliveira
pp. R5204-R5207 [View Page Images or PDF (772 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Heat front propagation in femtosecond-laser-heated solids
A. Ng, A. Forsman, and P. Celliers
pp. R5208-R5211 [View Page Images or PDF (787 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Observation of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation from short-bunched electrons
K. Ishi, Y. Shibata, T. Takahashi, S. Hasebe, M. Ikezawa, K. Takami, T. Matsuyama, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Fujita
pp. R5212-R5215 [View Page Images or PDF (622 kB)]
Halo formation induced by density nonuniformities in intense ion beams
Qian Qian, Ronald C. Davidson, and Chiping Chen
pp. R5216-R5219 [View Page Images or PDF (630 kB)]

Biological Physics

Possible universality in the size distribution of fish schools
Eric Bonabeau and Laurent Dagorn
pp. R5220-R5223 [View Page Images or PDF (731 kB)]

Computational Physics

Equation of state of a hydrogen plasma by density functional molecular dynamics
J. I. Penman, J. G. Clérouin, and P. G. Zérah
pp. R5224-R5227 [View Page Images or PDF (657 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Formulation of a moment method for multidimensional Fokker-Planck equations
Hanchen Huang and Nasr M. Ghoniem
pp. 5251-5260 [View Page Images or PDF (1,264 kB)]
Finite-size effects of correlation lengths in planar uniaxial ferromagnets
D. B. Abraham, A. O. Parry, and P. J. Upton
pp. 5261-5273 [View Page Images or PDF (2,165 kB)]
Transmission fluctuations and spectral rigidity of lasing states in a random amplifying medium
A. Yu. Zyuzin
pp. 5274-5278 [View Page Images or PDF (867 kB)]
Crucial formula for determination of the occurrence of the nonchaotic states in rf-biased nonlinear oscillators
Tsung Hsun Yang, Ching Sheu Wang, Jeun Chyuan Huang, and Yih Shun Gou
pp. 5279-5286 [View Page Images or PDF (1,212 kB)]
Resonant driving of chaotic orbits
Henry E. Kandrup, Robert A. Abernathy, and Brendan O. Bradley
pp. 5287-5297 [View Page Images or PDF (2,072 kB)]
Theory of second- and higher-order stochastic processes
Alon Drory
pp. 5298-5314 [View Page Images or PDF (2,116 kB)]
Stochastic resonance in Ising systems
Zoltán Néda
pp. 5315-5317 [View Page Images or PDF (406 kB)]
Nonlinear excitations and their energy spectra in one-dimensional bilinearly coupled spin systems
J. M. Dixon and J. A. Tuszyński
pp. 5318-5331 [View Page Images or PDF (2,309 kB)]
Chaotic scattering and diffusion in the Lorentz gas
P. Gaspard and F. Baras
pp. 5332-5352 [View Page Images or PDF (3,477 kB)]
Minimum energy dissipation river networks with fractal boundaries
Tao Sun, Paul Meakin, and Torstein Jøssang
pp. 5353-5359 [View Page Images or PDF (1,521 kB)]
Bistability and oscillations in a surface reaction model
M. C. Lemos, J. J. Luque, and F. Jiménez-Morales
pp. 5360-5364 [View Page Images or PDF (860 kB)]
Universal behavior of correlations between eigenvalues of random matrices
T. S. Kobayakawa, Y. Hatsugai, M. Kohmoto, and A. Zee
pp. 5365-5370 [View Page Images or PDF (785 kB)]
Synchronization and control in a unidirectionally coupled array of chaotic diode resonators
E. Mozdy, T. C. Newell, P. M. Alsing, V. Kovanis, and A. Gavrielides
pp. 5371-5376 [View Page Images or PDF (978 kB)]
Statistical properties of the delay time matrix
J. G. Muga and D. M. Wardlaw
pp. 5377-5391 [View Page Images or PDF (2,578 kB)]
Long-time traces of the initial condition in relaxation phenomena near criticality
U. Ritschel and H. W. Diehl
pp. 5392-5395 [View Page Images or PDF (624 kB)]
Signatures of classical periodic orbits on a smooth quantum system
Daniel Provost
pp. 5396-5407 [View Page Images or PDF (1,686 kB)]
Numerical simulation of two-dimensional late-stage coarsening for nucleation and growth
Norio Akaiwa and D. I. Meiron
pp. 5408-5421 [View Page Images or PDF (2,300 kB)]

General methods of statistical physics

Structure of random fractals and the probability distribution of random walks
H. Eduardo Roman
pp. 5422-5425 [View Page Images or PDF (674 kB)]

General Methods of Statistical Physics

Symmetry properties in surface growth models
R. Burioni
pp. 5426-5434 [View Page Images or PDF (1,265 kB)]
Avoided crossings: Curvature distribution and behavior of eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable and chaotic billiards
F. Simmel and M. Eckert
pp. 5435-5441 [View Page Images or PDF (1,302 kB)]
Universal correlations for deterministic plus random Hamiltonians
E. Brézin, S. Hikami, and A. Zee
pp. 5442-5452 [View Page Images or PDF (1,356 kB)]
Statics and dynamics of an interface in a temperature gradient
D. Boyanovsky, David Jasnow, J. Llambías, and F. Takakura
pp. 5453-5461 [View Page Images or PDF (1,623 kB)]
Long-time behavior of correlation functions in the finite ideal gas
Allan K. Evans
pp. 5462-5468 [View Page Images or PDF (897 kB)]
Early stage scaling in phase ordering kinetics
F. Corberi, A. Coniglio, and M. Zannetti
pp. 5469-5475 [View Page Images or PDF (1,130 kB)]
Chaotic scattering in reactive collisions: A classical analysis
Zoltán Kovács and Laurent Wiesenfeld
pp. 5476-5494 [View Page Images or PDF (3,805 kB)]
High-accuracy Trotter-formula method for path integrals
K. E. Schmidt and Michael A. Lee
pp. 5495-5498 [View Page Images or PDF (749 kB)]
Energy-scaling approach to phase-ordering growth laws
A. D. Rutenberg and A. J. Bray
pp. 5499-5514 [View Page Images or PDF (3,222 kB)]
Exact solution of a one-dimensional deterministic sandpile model
Darwin Chang, Shih-Chang Lee, and Wen-Jer Tzeng
pp. 5515-5519 [View Page Images or PDF (724 kB)]
Genuine electromagnetic wave chaos
R. Blümel
pp. 5520-5523 [View Page Images or PDF (732 kB)]
Anomalous diffusion and the correspondence principle
Roberto Roncaglia, Luca Bonci, Bruce J. West, and Paolo Grigolini
pp. 5524-5534 [View Page Images or PDF (2,166 kB)]
Ballistic annihilation in a one-dimensional fluid
Jarosław Piasecki
pp. 5535-5540 [View Page Images or PDF (815 kB)]
Ballistic-annihilation kinetics for a multivelocity one-dimensional ideal gas
Michel Droz, Pierre-Antoine Rey, Laurent Frachebourg, and Jarosław Piasecki
pp. 5541-5548 [View Page Images or PDF (976 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Velocity autocorrelation function of interacting Brownian particles
B. Cichocki and B. U. Felderhof
pp. 5549-5555 [View Page Images or PDF (1,242 kB)]
Dynamic temperature propagation in a pure fluid near its critical point observed under microgravity during the German Spacelab Mission D-2
J. Straub, L. Eicher, and A. Haupt
pp. 5556-5563 [View Page Images or PDF (1,296 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulations of passive transport in two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Stéphane Vannitsem and Michel Mareschal
pp. 5564-5570 [View Page Images or PDF (1,333 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Gabor transform and intermittency in turbulence
Tomoo Katsuyama, Masato Inoue, and Ken-ichi Nagata
pp. 5571-5576 [View Page Images or PDF (911 kB)]
Numerical renormalization-group calculations for similarity solutions and traveling waves
Lin-Yuan Chen and Nigel Goldenfeld
pp. 5577-5581 [View Page Images or PDF (907 kB)]
Scaling properties of a class of shell models
P. Frick, B. Dubrulle, and A. Babiano
pp. 5582-5593 [View Page Images or PDF (1,820 kB)]
Fractal dimension of velocity signals in high-Reynolds-number hydrodynamic turbulence
Alberto Scotti, Charles Meneveau, and Seyed G. Saddoughi
pp. 5594-5608 [View Page Images or PDF (2,123 kB)]
Statistics of a passive scalar advected by a large-scale two-dimensional velocity field: Analytic solution
M. Chertkov, G. Falkovich, I. Kolokolov, and V. Lebedev
pp. 5609-5627 [View Page Images or PDF (3,224 kB)]
Entropy cascade and temporal intermittency in a shell model for convective turbulence
Eri Suzuki and Sadayoshi Toh
pp. 5628-5635 [View Page Images or PDF (1,414 kB)]
Convection in binary fluid mixtures. I. Extended traveling-wave and stationary states
W. Barten, M. Lücke, M. Kamps, and R. Schmitz
pp. 5636-5661 [View Page Images or PDF (6,036 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Convection in binary fluid mixtures. II. Localized traveling waves
W. Barten, M. Lücke, M. Kamps, and R. Schmitz
pp. 5662-5680 [View Page Images or PDF (4,125 kB)]
Turbulence and internal waves in side-heated convection
Andrew Belmonte, Andreas Tilgner, and Albert Libchaber
pp. 5681-5687 [View Page Images or PDF (1,548 kB)]
Equations of motion for superfluids
Anthony G. Basile and Veit Elser
pp. 5688-5694 [View Page Images or PDF (1,036 kB)]
Quasiparticle pair creation in unstable superflow
Veit Elser
pp. 5695-5700 [View Page Images or PDF (995 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Strong-property-fluctuation theory for homogenizing chiral particulate composites
Bernhard Michel and Akhlesh Lakhtakia
pp. 5701-5707 [View Page Images or PDF (1,108 kB)]
Hydrodynamics of domain relaxation in a polymer monolayer
E. K. Mann, S. Hénon, D. Langevin, J. Meunier, and L. Léger
pp. 5708-5720 [View Page Images or PDF (2,819 kB)]
Sign inversion of the spontaneous polarization in induced liquid crystalline smectic-C* phases
H. Stegemeyer, A. Sprick, M. A. Osipov, V. Vill, and H.-W. Tunger
pp. 5721-5724 [View Page Images or PDF (726 kB)]
Percolation disorder in viscous and nonviscous flow through porous media
J. S. Andrade, Jr., D. A. Street, T. Shinohara, Y. Shibusa, and Y. Arai
pp. 5725-5731 [View Page Images or PDF (1,562 kB)]
Volumetric and transport properties in microemulsions and the point of view of percolation theory
S. K. Mehta and Kiran Bala
pp. 5732-5737 [View Page Images or PDF (986 kB)]
Computer simulation study of the permeability of driven polymers through porous media
Grace M. Foo and R. B. Pandey
pp. 5738-5744 [View Page Images or PDF (1,291 kB)]
Critical behavior of the nematic-isotropic phase transition
Prabir K. Mukherjee and M. Saha
pp. 5745-5747 [View Page Images or PDF (378 kB)]
Onsager’s reciprocal relation and the hydraulic permeability of porous media
Sidney X. Li, David B. Pengra, and Po-zen Wong
pp. 5748-5751 [View Page Images or PDF (686 kB)]
Metastable dynamics above the glass transition
Joonhyun Yeo and Gene F. Mazenko
pp. 5752-5761 [View Page Images or PDF (1,690 kB)]
Diffusion of clusters with randomly growing masses
Jerzy Łuczka, Peter Hänggi, and Adam Gadomski
pp. 5762-5769 [View Page Images or PDF (1,138 kB)]
Coil-globule transition of poly(methyl methacrylate) in a mixed solvent
Mitsuo Nakata
pp. 5770-5775 [View Page Images or PDF (920 kB)]
Static and dynamic critical behavior of a binary polymer blend in the strong fluctuation limit: A light scattering study
W. Theobald and G. Meier
pp. 5776-5787 [View Page Images or PDF (2,151 kB)]
Structure and dynamics of breaking foams
G. D. Burnett, J. J. Chae, W. Y. Tam, Rita M. C. de Almeida, and M. Tabor
pp. 5788-5796 [View Page Images or PDF (1,596 kB)]
Hexatic order in thin smectic-F liquid-crystal films
Q. J. Harris, D. Y. Noh, D. A. Turnbull, and R. J. Birgeneau
pp. 5797-5804 [View Page Images or PDF (1,467 kB)]
Polyelectrolyte configuration in a disordered medium
D. Bratko and A. K. Chakraborty
pp. 5805-5817 [View Page Images or PDF (2,496 kB)]
Spinodal decomposition of a three-component water-in-oil microemulsion system
F. Mallamace, N. Micali, S. Trusso, and S. H. Chen
pp. 5818-5823 [View Page Images or PDF (1,126 kB)]
Domain structure and switching behavior of anisotropic gels
R. A. M. Hikmet and H. M. J. Boots
pp. 5824-5831 [View Page Images or PDF (1,679 kB)]
Density-functional theory and atomistic simulation of the hard-sphere melt-solid interface
Agathagelos Kyrlidis and Robert A. Brown
pp. 5832-5845 [View Page Images or PDF (2,606 kB)]
Effect of a stabilizing magnetic field on the electric-field-induced Fréedericksz transition in 4-n-pentyl-4–cyanobiphenyl
Shila Garg, Salman Saeed, and U. D. Kini
pp. 5846-5854 [View Page Images or PDF (2,570 kB)]
Microscopic boundary layer model for a particle in entangled polymers: Steady-state particle diffusivity
W. Sung and Min Gyu Lee
pp. 5855-5861 [View Page Images or PDF (1,001 kB)]
Slippage of linear flows of entangled polymers on surfaces
W. Sung
pp. 5862-5865 [View Page Images or PDF (466 kB)]
Neutron-scattering studies of binary mixtures in silica gels
B. J. Frisken, David S. Cannell, M. Y. Lin, and S. K. Sinha
pp. 5866-5879 [View Page Images or PDF (2,589 kB)]
Conditional distribution function approach to the theory of the solid–nematic-fluid interface
A. V. Zakharov
pp. 5880-5885 [View Page Images or PDF (892 kB)]
Electrohydrodynamic convection in a homeotropically aligned nematic sample
H. Richter, A. Buka, and I. Rehberg
pp. 5886-5890 [View Page Images or PDF (2,226 kB)]
Simulation study of the isotropic-to-nematic transitions of semiflexible polymers
Marjolein Dijkstra and Daan Frenkel
pp. 5891-5898 [View Page Images or PDF (1,563 kB)]
High-pressure specific-heat spectroscopy at the glass transition in o-terphenyl
H. Leyser, A. Schulte, W. Doster, and W. Petry
pp. 5899-5904 [View Page Images or PDF (1,057 kB)]
Monte Carlo study of living polymers with the bond-fluctuation method
Yannick Rouault and Andrey Milchev
pp. 5905-5910 [View Page Images or PDF (1,227 kB)]
Migration and fragmentation of invasion percolation clusters in two-dimensional porous media
Aleksandar Birovljev, Geri Wagner, Paul Meakin, Jens Feder, and Torstein Jøssang
pp. 5911-5915 [View Page Images or PDF (1,309 kB)]
Interaction of dilute colloidal particles in a mixed solvent
M. L. Kurnaz and J. V. Maher
pp. 5916-5921 [View Page Images or PDF (918 kB)]
Critical behavior in the presence of a disordered environment
B. J. Frisken, Fabio Ferri, and David S. Cannell
pp. 5922-5943 [View Page Images or PDF (4,234 kB)]
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of oscillatory sliding motion in a colloidal suspension system
Hiroshi Komatsugawa and Shuichi Nosé
pp. 5944-5953 [View Page Images or PDF (1,715 kB)]
Modulated structures of the smectic-C* phase in free-standing films with high spontaneous polarization
E. I. Demikhov, E. Hoffmann, H. Stegemeyer, S. A. Pikin, and A. Strigazzi
pp. 5954-5961 [View Page Images or PDF (2,655 kB)]
Structure of soft-sphere dipolar fluids
Mark J. Stevens and Gary S. Grest
pp. 5962-5975 [View Page Images or PDF (2,475 kB)]
Phase coexistence of a Stockmayer fluid in an applied field
Mark J. Stevens and Gary S. Grest
pp. 5976-5984 [View Page Images or PDF (1,424 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Effect of transport mechanisms on the irreversible adsorption of large molecules
F. J. Bafaluy, H. S. Choi, B. Senger, and J. Talbot
pp. 5985-5993 [View Page Images or PDF (1,432 kB)]
Particle-cluster aggregation with dipolar interactions
R. Pastor-Satorras and J. M. Rubí
pp. 5994-6003 [View Page Images or PDF (1,756 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Electric and thermal resistivities in dense high-Z plasmas
Hikaru Kitamura and Setsuo Ichimaru
pp. 6004-6009 [View Page Images or PDF (948 kB)]
Diagnostics of plasmas with substantial concentrations of atomic oxygen
Francisco J. Gordillo-Vazquez and Joseph A. Kunc
pp. 6010-6015 [View Page Images or PDF (968 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
xuv spectra of optical-field-ionized plasmas
E. Fill, S. Borgström, J. Larsson, T. Starczewski, C.-G. Wahlström, and S. Svanberg
pp. 6016-6027 [View Page Images or PDF (1,525 kB)]
Transport coefficients in a weakly ionized nonequilibrium plasma
Karel Rohlena and Helge R. Skullerud
pp. 6028-6035 [View Page Images or PDF (1,190 kB)]
Ion kinetics and symmetric charge-transfer collisions in low-current, diffuse (Townsend) discharges in argon and nitrogen
S. B. Radovanov, R. J. Van Brunt, J. K. Olthoff, and B. M. Jelenkovic
pp. 6036-6046 [View Page Images or PDF (2,101 kB)]
Non-Taylor magnetohydrodynamic self-organization
Shao-ping Zhu, Ritoku Horiuchi, Tetsuya Sato, and Complexity Simulation Group
pp. 6047-6054 [View Page Images or PDF (2,020 kB)]
Effects of relativistic electrons on the calculated collective Thomson scattered spectra
D. Y. Rhee, P. P. Woskov, and J. S. Machuzak
pp. 6055-6058 [View Page Images or PDF (584 kB)]
Space-resolved electron density and temperature measurements of line-shaped laser plasmas
Ling-qing Zhang, Shen-sheng Han, Zhi-zhan Xu, Zheng-quan Zhang, Pin-zhong Fan, and Lan Sun
pp. 6059-6062 [View Page Images or PDF (576 kB)]
Experimental investigation and fast two-dimensional self-consistent kinetic modeling of a low-pressure inductively coupled rf discharge
U. Kortshagen, I. Pukropski, and L. D. Tsendin
pp. 6063-6078 [View Page Images or PDF (3,119 kB)]
Linear and nonlinear modes in nonrelativistic electron-positron plasmas
G. P. Zank and R. G. Greaves
pp. 6079-6090 [View Page Images or PDF (1,710 kB)]
Modeling of microwave discharges in the presence of plasma resonances
Yu. M. Aliev, A. V. Maximov, U. Kortshagen, H. Schlüter, and A. Shivarova
pp. 6091-6103 [View Page Images or PDF (2,107 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Betatron coupling and related impact of radiation
G. Guignard
pp. 6104-6118 [View Page Images or PDF (2,368 kB)]
Nanometer-beam-size measurement during collisions at linear colliders
T. Tauchi and K. Yokoya
pp. 6119-6126 [View Page Images or PDF (1,351 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Observation of nonlinear localized modes in an electrical lattice
P. Marquié, J. M. Bilbault, and M. Remoissenet
pp. 6127-6133 [View Page Images or PDF (1,148 kB)]
Time-dependent photon migration using path integrals
Lev T. Perelman, Jun Wu, Yang Wang, Irving Itzkan, Ramachandra R. Dasari, and Michael S. Feld
pp. 6134-6141 [View Page Images or PDF (1,006 kB)]
Deriving the transmission and reflection coefficients of an optically active medium without using boundary conditions
D. F. Nelson
pp. 6142-6153 [View Page Images or PDF (1,802 kB)]
Bistability in simulated granular flow along corrugated walls
Jochen Schäfer and Dietrich E. Wolf
pp. 6154-6157 [View Page Images or PDF (743 kB)]
Optical conductance fluctuations: Diagrammatic analysis in the Landauer approach and nonuniversal effects
M. C. W. van Rossum, Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen, and R. Vlaming
pp. 6158-6176 [View Page Images or PDF (3,333 kB)]
Friction-induced self-organization of a one-dimensional array of particles
Farhang Radjai and Stéphane Roux
pp. 6177-6187 [View Page Images or PDF (1,773 kB)]

Biological Physics

Solvent effects on supercoiled DNA dynamics explored by Langevin dynamics simulations
Gomathi Ramachandran and Tamar Schlick
pp. 6188-6203 [View Page Images or PDF (2,703 kB)]
Simulation of hydrogen bonding and hydration in pure lipid bilayers
Jan Tobochnik, Martin J. Zuckermann, and Zhengping Zhang
pp. 6204-6212 [View Page Images or PDF (1,679 kB)]
Noise-induced synchronous neuronal oscillations
Christian Kurrer and Klaus Schulten
pp. 6213-6218 [View Page Images or PDF (1,026 kB)]
Dilution in a linear neural network
D. M. L. Barbato and J. F. Fontanari
pp. 6219-6229 [View Page Images or PDF (1,745 kB)]

Computational Physics

Algorithm to extract the spanning clusters and calculate conductivity in strip geometries
F. Babalievski
pp. 6230-6234 [View Page Images or PDF (1,068 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Deterministic spontaneous appearance of traffic jams in slightly inhomogeneous traffic flow
B. S. Kerner, P. Konhäuser, and M. Schilke
pp. 6243-6246 [View Page Images or PDF (928 kB)]
Departure from Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics makes the hydrogen-atom specific heat a computable quantity
Liacir S. Lucena, Luciano R. da Silva, and Constantino Tsallis
pp. 6247-6249 [View Page Images or PDF (527 kB)]
Self-similarity in rain forests: Evidence for a critical state
Ricard V. Solé and Susanna C. Manrubia
pp. 6250-6253 [View Page Images or PDF (594 kB)]
Predicting and characterizing data sequences from structure-variable systems
H. P. Fang and L. Y. Cao
pp. 6254-6257 [View Page Images or PDF (799 kB)]
Reaction kinetics of annihilating particles with anomalous diffusion
P. Oliva and D. H. Zanette
pp. 6258-6260 [View Page Images or PDF (444 kB)]
Estimation of the order-parameter exponent of critical cellular automata using the enhanced coherent anomaly method
Géza Ódor
pp. 6261-6262 [View Page Images or PDF (317 kB)]
Quantum dissipation is a dynamical collective effect
J. L. Gruver, J. Aliaga, Hilda A. Cerdeira, and A. N. Proto
pp. 6263-6266 [View Page Images or PDF (676 kB)]
Kinetic equations for a dissipative quantum system driven by dichotomous noise: An exact result
I. A. Goychuk
pp. 6267-6270 [View Page Images or PDF (589 kB)]
Single-particle distributions for small hard particle systems in the microcanonical and in the molecular-dynamics ensembles
F. L. Román, J. A. White, and S. Velasco
pp. 6271-6274 [View Page Images or PDF (597 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Asymptotic dissipation rate in turbulence
Siegfried Grossmann
pp. 6275-6277 [View Page Images or PDF (585 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Elasticity-driven texture selection mechanism in mesophase carbon fibers
Alejandro D. Rey
pp. 6278-6281 [View Page Images or PDF (771 kB)]
Shear-induced orientational effects in discotic-liquid-crystal micelles
Boualem Hammouda, Joseph Mang, and Satyendra Kumar
pp. 6282-6285 [View Page Images or PDF (692 kB)]
Influence of gravity on the jamming-limit coverage for the random deposition of large spheres on one- and two-dimensional collectors
R. Ezzeddine, P. Schaaf, J.-C. Voegel, and B. Senger
pp. 6286-6288 [View Page Images or PDF (528 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Excitation mechanism of hydrogen Balmer lines in a fast plasma-mixing device
Hulya Kirkici
pp. 6289-6292 [View Page Images or PDF (757 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Plasma-beam interaction in a wiggler
V. Petrillo, A. Serbeto, C. Maroli, R. Parrella, and R. Bonifacio
pp. 6293-6296 [View Page Images or PDF (545 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Periodic solitons in optics
A. W. Snyder, S. J. Hewlett, and D. J. Mitchell
pp. 6297-6300 [View Page Images or PDF (872 kB)]
Enhanced transmission due to disorder
V. D. Freilikher, B. A. Liansky, I. V. Yurkevich, A. A. Maradudin, and A. R. McGurn
pp. 6301-6304 [View Page Images or PDF (556 kB)]
Parametric x radiation from thick crystals
I. Endo, M. Harada, T. Kobayashi, Y. S. Lee, T. Ohgaki, T. Takahashi, M. Muto, K. Yoshida, H. Nitta, A. P. Potylitsin, V. N. Zabaev, and T. Ohba
pp. 6305-6308 [View Page Images or PDF (538 kB)]

Biological Physics

Storage capacity and generalization error for the reversed-wedge Ising perceptron
G. J. Bex, R. Serneels, and C. Van den Broeck
pp. 6309-6312 [View Page Images or PDF (630 kB)]


Comment on ‘‘Two-loop renormalization-group analysis of the Burgers–Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation’’
Tao Sun
pp. 6316-6318 [View Page Images or PDF (524 kB)]
Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Two-loop renormalization-group analysis of the Burgers–Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation’ ’’
Uwe Claus Täuber and Erwin Frey
pp. 6319-6322 [View Page Images or PDF (946 kB)]
Fractal potentials from energy levels
A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos, and E. Caurier
pp. 6323-6326 [View Page Images or PDF (637 kB)]
Reply to ‘‘Fractal potentials from energy levels’’
Hua Wu and D. W. L. Sprung
pp. 6327 [View Page Images or PDF (194 kB)]